Any of several deciduous, coniferous trees of the genus Larix, having needlelike leaves clustered on short shoots and heavy, durable wood. In species of Pinus which are polycyclic flower initiation must occur over a wide time range. 落叶松属植物一种落叶树属的落叶性针叶树木,有成簇状针叶和重而坚硬的木质具有多环球花的松树属种,其花的孕育期会延续较长的时间。
Straight-grained durable and often resinous white to yellowish timber of any of numerous trees of the genus pinus. 各种松属树木木料,直纹、耐用,通常含树脂,白色到黄色。
The comparative anatomy of the leaves of 23 species, 4 varieties and 4 forms of the genus Pinus has been investigated with special reference to their transverse sections and epidermal structures. 本文将国产松属(Pinus)23种4变种4变型的针叶,进行了横切面及表皮结构的比较观察与描述,并综合列成检索表,以便从针叶解剖结构上来鉴别松属各种。
Electron microscopic investigations on the warty layers in genus Pinus of China 中国松属木材管胞疣状层的电镜观察
In genus Pinus, there are approximately 110 species which can be classified into two groups according to the modes of their seed dispersal, i. 松属植物约110种,根据种子传播方式可分为风传播松和动物传播松。
The karyotypes of the genus Pinus ( 93 species and varieties) are all composed of metacentric or/ and submetacentric chromosomes and belonging to 1A type. 松属植物(93种、变种)的核型全由中部或和近中着丝粒染色体构成,为1A类型。